Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hillary and Trump: positions on LGBT issues

As we move quickly toward election day, it is important for us to know the Republican and Democrat candidates’ position on LGBT rights. Knowing how Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump would deal with issues for our community is crucial for us. We have been marginalized and faced discrimination against us and have fought hard to get the rights we now have. This could all change and drop us back into having no rights again. The Democratic and Republican platforms are polarized on this issue. The Democrats are supportive of us and our equality of human rights, the Republicans, however, speak of “family values” as “one father and one mother”. The following spells out the positions and past records of Hillary Clinton and Donald regarding LGBTs’ rights.

Hillary Clinton applauded the Obama administration’s guidance directing public schools to allow transgender students to use restrooms matching their gender identity, praised the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, and is committed to protecting LGBT and transgender rights.

§  After the Obama administration issued guidance directing public schools to allow transgender students to use restrooms matching their gender identity on May 13, 2016, Clinton spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa told The Washington Post, “Hillary Clinton applauds the Obama administration for taking actions this week to stand up for the rights of LGBT people–and particularly for the rights of transgender people–across the country.” She continued, “As president, she will fight to make sure all Americans can live their lives free from discrimination.”
§  After North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R) signed House Bill 2 into law on March 24, 2016, Hillary Clinton tweeted, “LGBT people should be protected from discrimination under the law—period.”
§  On Clinton’s campaign website, the candidate describes her commitment to protecting transgender rights: “We must do more to end discrimination against the transgender community. Hillary believes no one should be held back from fully participating in our society because of their gender identity. As secretary of state, Hillary made it possible for transgender Americans to have their true identity reflected on their passports. As president, she will work to protect transgender individuals from violence by directing the government to collect better data regarding crime victims and seeking to improve reporting of hate crimes; streamline identity documents to remove barriers to transgender Americans changing their gender marker on identification documents; and invest in law enforcement training focused on fair and impartial policing, including in interactions with LGBT individuals. Hillary will invest in law enforcement training that focuses on issues such as implicit bias, use of force, and de-escalation, as well as fair and impartial policing including in their interactions with the LGBT community, in particular transgender individuals. It will also focus on educating police officers on correctly identifying bias-motivated crimes.”
§  Hillary Clinton released a 70-second online ad on December 6, 2015, to show her support for LGBT equality. The video includes scenes from a 2011 speech where she said “gay rights and human rights...are one and the same” played over clips of same-sex couples.
§  Clinton argued on October 3, 2015, that the 14,000 soldiers forced to leave the military because of their sexual orientation should have their service records updated to reflect an honorable discharge.
§  Clinton endorsed the Equality Act, a bill introduced on July 23, 2015, by U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and U.S. Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), which seeks “to protect LGBT people nationwide from discrimination in credit, education, employment, housing, federal financial assistance, jury service and public accommodations.”
§  Speaking at a fundraiser for the Virginia Democratic Party on June 26, 2015, Hillary Clinton applauded the Supreme Court's decision inObergefell v. Hodges and criticized the Republicans' rejection of marriage equality. Clinton said, "This morning, they all decried the Supreme Court's ruling upholding marriage equality—we even heard them call for a constitutional amendment to strip away the right to equality from our gay brothers and sisters. Instead of trying to turn back the clock, they should be joining us in saying loudly and clearly, 'No, no' to discrimination once and for all. I'm asking them, please: Don't make the rights, the hopes, of any American, a political football for this 2016 campaign."

 Donald Trump believes states should decide whether transgender people may use restrooms matching their gender identity and opposes same-sex marriages.

§  After previously stating that North Carolina should "[l]eave it the way it is," and permit transgender individuals to use the restroom they feel most comfortable using, Donald Trump told ABC News on May 13, 2016, “I believe it should be states’ rights and the state should make the decision. They’re more capable of making the decision.” Trump made this comment after the Obama administration issued guidance directing public schools to allow transgender students to use restrooms matching their gender identity.
§  In an interview on April 21, 2016, Donald Trump said that North Carolina erred when it passed a bill restricting transgender individuals’ access to bathrooms that conform with their gender identity. “North Carolina did something that was very strong and they’re paying a big price. There’s a lot of problems. You leave it the way it is. There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble, and the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife, and the economic punishment that they’re taking,” Trump said. He added that he would be comfortable with transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner using whichever bathroom she chose in Trump Tower.
§  In a June 28, 2015, interview on CNN's "State of the Union," Donald Trump was asked by anchor Jake Tapper how Trump's three marriages fit into the definition of "traditional marriage." Trump responded that someone asking the question has "a very good point" and suggested he was at fault for his divorces. Tapper said he wasn't asking for an explanation for Trump's divorces, but rather what he would say to a gay person on this question. Trump answered, "I don't say anything. I'm just for traditional marriage."
§  On June 26, 2015, following the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, Trump tweeted, "Once again the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember!"
§  On the issue of gay marriage, Donald Trump said during a November 2013 interview on MSNBC, "I think I’m evolving, and I think I’m a very fair person, but I have been for traditional marriage. I am for traditional marriage, I am for a marriage between a man and a woman.”
§  In a March 2011 interview with The Des Moines Register, Trump said gay couples should not be allowed to marry or receive the same benefits as married heterosexual couples.

The importance for LGBT to vote in this election is critical to our future. If Donald Trump should be elected we would surely have to go back into the closet and would find ourselves without any rights once again. We have worked too hard to get where we are today to go back into the discrimination and hostility that could ensure. We must take this seriously and get out and vote!